Korea Janggi
 Janggi(Official phonetic spelling), or Korea Janggi or Korea Chess is a decendantor of Chaturanga that is the origin for all variants of Chess and Janggi. It is similar to Chinese Chess(Xiangqi). but Its property is different from Janggi in rule and board. Janggi board have no river. and Move and capture of some piece(PO, JJOL that is pronounced "ch'ol", SA, etc.) is evolved by experience of many telented korean from when It is imported from china. The PO's evolution especially shows at its best adventage.
 Janggi have board(9X10 size) and seven kind of piece. That is WANG(èÝ), CHA(ó³), PO(øÐ), MA(Ø©), SANG(ßÚ), SA(ÞÍ), JJOL(ðï) Its another name is BYUNG(ܲ). WANG means king. CHA means or chariot. PO means cannon. MA means horse. SANG means elephant. SA means guard. JJOL means pawn. Green WANG is called "CHO(õ¢)". and red WANG is called "HAN(ùÓ)", Green JJOL is called JJOL and red JJOL is called Byung. As memorable rule, WNAG and SA can only move in Goong(Ïà means palace). Goong is the place of cross lined region. PO's move and capture need only one Podari(Æ÷´Ù¸® means bridge of cannon). PO can't become any Podari. and PO can't capture PO. All piece is blocked by Myuk(Øò means gullet). JJOL can't move backward. Any piece do not promote. Capture rule is synchronized with move rule.

Rule of Traditional Korean Janggi

Name Glyph

Rule (Move rule equal to capture rule)

Wang èÝ  1 step follow any line (orthogonal and diagonal) only in the Goong (Cross lined region).
Sa ÞÍ  Equal to Wang's rule.
Cha ó³  Any straight step follow any line (orthogonal), specially any straight step follow any line (orthogonal and diagonal) in the Goong.
Po øÐ  Any straight step follow any line (orthogonal), specially any straight step follow any line (orthogonal and diagonal) in the Goong.
 but For all case, It need one bridge.
 Bridge is a piece (except Po) on line between source and destination.
 Po can't capture Po.
Ma Ø©  Similar to Knight in chess.
 Orthogonal 1step + Diagonal 1 step.
 Orthogonal 1step position is a Myuk potentially. 
Sang ßÚ  Orthogonal 1step + Diagonal 2 step.
 Orthogonal 1step position and Diagonal 1 step is a Myuk potentially.
JJol ðï  Orthogonal 1 step except backward step.
 1 step follow any line except backward step in the Goong

Fading Rule

Term Explanation
Bigjang  "Big" means draw. 
 If there is no piece between my Wang and enemy Wang, you can call Bigjang. At this time, if enemy did not deny, the game is nullified. It's draw.
Infinite loop  Usually prohibition.
 Although a few janggi program for windows OS is in korea. as I knew, there is about 10. Most program is made for korean. and all menual and message is written in Korean. So their is not known and introduced for world people. but To play is possible. Just you do not know a program, related site and playing mechanism.
 Bada-Janggi (programmed by me, since 1994) in my site is one of such program. Bada-Janggi also is written in Korean. but It has AI (Artificial Intelligent, playing ability of computer). You can play with Bada-Janggi. Try! You can overcome the wall of korean language.
-- Written by Taehoon Kim, 2000/8/28.

Here is a true Korea-Janggi image. Green side font(or glyph) is a aesthetic korean style. Its image is beautiful.
-- Designed by Namyoung Yoon