A user-transparent recoverable file system for distributed computing environment

by Kim, H.S. and Yeom, H.Y.
A user-transparent recoverable file system for distributed computing environment (Kim, H.S. and Yeom, H.Y.), In Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments, 2005. CLADE 2005. Proceedings, 2005.
Bibtex Entry:
	author={Kim, H.S. and Yeom, H.Y.},
	booktitle={Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments, 2005. CLADE 2005. Proceedings},
	title={A user-transparent recoverable file system for distributed computing environment},
	keywords={Linux;checkpointing;fault tolerant computing;grid computing;middleware;software libraries;Ext2;Linux;MPICH-GF;ReFS;checkpointing system;distributed computing;fault-tolerant system;grid environment;job processing;message passing;middleware library;system call interface;system reliability;user-transparent recoverable file system;versioning-like file system;Checkpointing;Distributed computing;Fault tolerant systems;File systems;Libraries;Linux;Message passing;Middleware;Protection;Resists},

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